Case Study

Leadership Development Programme

We harness our extensive experience to work closely with leaders to solve issues and overcome obstacles which are hindering them from achieving their potential.

The Challenge

We were commissioned to support leaders within a challenged multi-professional clinical service. The service in question had previous experience of working with team building and other OD consultants and was negative about participating. Our first challenge was to break down the barriers built up due to prior experience before any of our support would be accepted.

Our Solution

We designed and developed a programme which aimed to help each individual leaders to understand their own strengths and risks. We then built upon this using shared knowledge and language to create an environment in which each professional from different sectors could gain perspective from their colleagues in a safe environment.

The Action

We worked in partnership with the clinical lead for the service to build strong relationships with each leader; this enabled us to challenge and support them throughout the process. The diagnostic interview stage was completed and these strong relationships enabled us to gain a deeper insight into individual’s strengths and to shape the programme to meet their needs.

The programme was built from a multifaceted approach and enabled the multi-professional leaders to see things from other perspectives, understand their values and provided the team an opportunity to build shared goals and ambitions for the service. For many of the participants this was a life impacting event. This was commended by the CEO on the Trust Board as an excellent OD programme.

The Results

For many of the participants this was a changing life event. The support, guidance and expertise offered at each stage whether through individual coaching or facilitated group workshops was of an extremely high level and was fundamental to the turnaround of what was a failing clinical service. The improvement in leadership, trust and mutual respect has started to make an impact on patient care and quality outcomes in the service.

The Feedback

This is what the Deputy Chief Nurse/Midwife had to say:

‘I would highly recommend working with Insightful Exchange to support any organisational development needs.’